segunda-feira, 28 de setembro de 2015


E às vezes julgamos que as crianças não entendem o ambiente onde vivem. A Tiana tem 6 anos, mora com a sua mãe solteira e da última vez que o pai a visitou, houve um conflito entre eles. Cansada, ela resolveu ter uma conversa séria com a mãe. Ora vejam...

Adorable girl tell her parents not to fight
‘Mom, are you ready to be his friend?’ Tiana starts.
Her mom answers 'yes'.
Tiana continues: Try not to be that high up [she gestures with her hands] to be friends, I want everything to be low. Just try your best.
'I don't want you and my dad to be replaced and meanies again. I want you and my dad to be placed and settled and be friends.
'I'm not trying to be mean. I just want everyone to be friends.
'And if I can be nice, I think all of us can be nice too.
'I'm not trying to be mean - I'm trying to do my best in my heart. Nothing else than that.
'I want my mom, my dad, everyone, to be friends. I want everyone to be smiling.
She later tells her mom: 'I think you can do it. I think you can settle your mean heights down to short heights ... I just want everything to be settled down, nothing else. For everything to be as good as possible. Nothing else.'
At the end of her lecture, her mom tells her, 'Thank you, Tiana,' and they have a hug and kiss.

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