terça-feira, 3 de março de 2009

Podes sempre erguer-te

Para quando acharmos que tudo está perdido
e já não nos podemos "levantar"...
Arrisca perder 2 minutos a ver este video
e tenho a certeza que vais ter vontade de te erguer de novo
e recomeçar a conquista diária da tua felicidade.

"There is time in life when you fall down, you feel you don't have the strength to get back up. Do you think you have hope? I'm telling you that I am down here, facing down, and I have no arms and no legs. It should be impossible for me to get back up. But it's not. You see I'll try one hundred time to get up. If I fail 100 times, and I give up. Do you think that I am ever going to get up? No. But if I fail and I try to get up again, again and again.

I just want you to know that it's not the end. It matters how you're gonna finish. Are you gonna finish strong? You'll find that strength to get back up, like this."

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